If an officer stops you and
requests that you take one or
multiple sobriety tests, you have
a choice. You do not have to take
the balance, coordination, or
mental field sobriety tests such
as the one leg stand, the walk and
turn, and the horizontal gaze
nystagmus test. You should always
decline to take these types of
The officer will usually also ask
you to take a breath test by the
side of the road. Typically, the
officer uses a hand held machine
for the breath test. This https://experience.tripster.ru/experience/Saint_Petersburg/78068-vystavki-v-ermitazhe/ is
called a preliminary breath test.
This test is also optional and you
should always decline to take this
test. If you are under 21 years
old, you must take the preliminary
breath test.
The officer is supposed to give
you a choice of either a breath,
blood or urine test at the police
station or qualified health care
facility. If the DMV and/or
prosecution prove that you refused
to take any type of mandatory
chemical test, you will loose your
license for a year on a first
offense. The issue of refusal
will also be used against you in
Court. Therefore, unless you will
be immediately terminated from
your employment for merely having
a chemical test result above .08,
you should take either the station
bench breath test or a blood
test. Urine tests are usually not
If you choose to take the test(s),
the information obtained may prove
your innocence or be unfairly
interpreted towards a DUI
conviction. If you choose not to
take the test(s), you may lose
California drivers license for twelve months or longer.
Either way, don’t hesitate to call
me. Call
DUI Terminator, Kenton Koszdin at
800-Kick DUI.
This is a
serious issue and I know precisely
how to help. If this is your first
DUI arrest, I strongly recommend
cooperating. Keep in mind; I’m an
expert in these matters and I’m
familiar with many ways to fight
the results of any sobriety test.
If you do choose to cooperate via
a breath or blood test and your
BAC is over 0.08%, the statutory
limit in California, the law
enforcement officer can legally
confiscate your drivers license
until the matter is resolved. You
will automatically receive a
4-month drivers license
suspension, but you can request a
DMV hearing within ten days to
challenge it.
Once you’ve retained me, I will
file a request for a hearing on
your behalf. Don’t wait! You only
have ten days to file. Please
bring any documents you received
explaining the hearing process
with you to my office. Once I’ve
requested a DMV hearing on your
behalf, your drivers license will
remain valid until after a final
decision is made at the hearing.